You are at the right place. We know that when patrons are calling your company, they don’t have time to waste. That is why we provide around-the-clock, Cab & Limo Dispatch Services, Cab Dispatch Service, Cab Call answering service, Cab Dispatch Center, Cab Call Center, Cab Dispatch Software, and, live-voice assistance for countless businesses across the country, both large and small. Prompt response is everything in your industry, so our dispatchers are committed to answering every inbound call within 3 rings or less. Every customer will get service on time which will be a great cause to increase customer retention and a significant increase in revenue.
Your Cab service does not operate in a vacuum. You have competitors who are looking for every possible advantage over your business. If you want to survive, you have to beat them to the punch. Let GDM be your partner in client support solutions. Whether we are answering inbound calls or offering virtual support for your online booking and payment program, our call center agents provide a higher echelon of telecommunications services, putting you on the road to an expanded client base and an increased bottom line.
Why Choose US Over Other Services Providers?
Set of Skills Our Dispatch Services Team
Entrenched, outdated processes limit agility. VirtualUX process transformation solves that.
Our dispatchers are fully trained to handle small and large fleets and are experts in using all kinds of Cab and Limo dispatch software. We provide services according to your requirement i.e. full time24/7, part-time or only day/night shift, ETC.
VIP clients expect VIP service. We can arrange wake-up calls for early morning shuttles, make outbound calls to drivers close to pick-up time to keep everyone on schedule, and even process payments before arrival for your customers’ convenience.
All of our dispatchers are fully experienced in managing small and large fleets. Even during busy hours, they are able to cover the maximum number of trips with fewer vehicles.